I'm excited to announce I am soon to be off the mini-pill. Yea! "Maxi-pill" here I come. When breastfeeding you have to take a progesterone-only birth control called a "mini-pill." From my previous posts, you will know I like MAXI protection from more babies. Not to mention you have to take a mini-pill within a 2 hour window every day. I can see myself next week stopping a late evening parent conference on open house so I can take my little Camilla pilla saying, "Sorry, hold onto that thought about Carmen's trouble with deductive reasoning. I don't want any fetuses inside me." So I called the doc today and they are putting me back on my old birth control from before Claire. I still had some in the cabinet, so I checked them out. No dice. They expired in Aug 08.
Now there are many expired medications I will throw caution to the wind and still take. Tylenol from '06 - I'm game. Mylanta from '08 - sign me up. A nice leftover codeine from '07 when I have a wicked cold and the doc can't fit me in for a few days - down the hatch. But birth control? I don't think so. Bad narcotics give you a hangover. Bad birth control gives you18 years of hangover. I'll splurge the extra $10 at the Target pharmacy for a fresh pack in a glistening foil pouch stamped with something past May 2010, thank you.
While digging through the cabinet, and going through some hand-me-down clothes, Claire found something to play with.
She really likes the squishy, crunchy, light-weight package. Plus, from watching TV, she thinks if you use this brand you get to swim, ride horses, and do yoga. She really wants to do yoga. I like that they absorb drool while she plays. I know, teaching her to play with plastic is bad. Spank me - I was never more than 12 inches away from her. And Brad will be quick to point out that, like the car keys, now she thinks they are hers and "we'll never find them again." You always want your pads close by. But won't it be fun to harass her with this picture when her boyfriend comes over when she is 17....oh wait, that's right...She isn't dating until she is 30.
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