Teething sucks. It sucks worse for Bean, I know, but it sucks for me too. She's been a real hellion. She is fussy, waking up early (I mean 4:30 - 5:00am early), won't nap, puts
everything in her mouth, and hates teethers. Seriously? You will eat a piece of dog food, but won't gnaw on a frozen wash cloth or a cold teething ring? And to make matters worse, she is a naturally extremely active baby (if they made infant Adderall she'd be on it!) so she won't sit in my lap or snuggle on the couch or let me hold and comfort her. She's happy if I lay on the floor while she climbs back and forth over my hips splatting onto her face each time. She climbed the whole flight of stairs yesterday (my hands under her butt the whole time) on her 9 month birthday! I'm telling you, she is active.
So this morning she decided to wake up just before 5am for the morning. She fussed and tried to eat shoes then she fussed when I wouldn't let her climb the back of the couch to get the remote controls. After an hour, fed up, I decided to take her to Walmart. She likes going to the store. I was going to keep Bean in her gifaffe jammies, but I needed a little clean up. Walmart doesn't require much, but I did need a face washing, contacts, and my teeth brushed.
I take Bean back to her room (across from my bathroom) and brush my teeth. I check on her and she is eatting a photo album.

I take the album away from her and she comes into the bathroom to eat a magazine, but I'm cleverly hidden the magazine basket in the bathtub behind the shower curtain. She finds it.

Finally, after finding a rouge contact, I look over and she has picked up a brand new roll of toilet paper and thrown it in the toilet. Perfect.
I took her to Walmart and she liked that, but now we are home again. She just woke up from a 20 minute nap and is in here with me eating the Bowflex. She herd the commercial, "In order to get a Bowflex body, you've got to eat a genuine Bowflex." We are working on her listening skills. So how she is riding in her horsie. She really likes it, and smiled for the camera, but is currently screaming like I have her in that stretching machine from the movie "Bloodsport."

I hope these teeth come in soon.
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