It has been a while. Life has been busy. School has been out-of-control busy. Claire has been sick (no swine flu) and Brad threw out his back. He can't do chores and for a while couldn't lift or hold Bean. That sucked.
I've never been one to set trends, but it seems I have now. I absolutely refuse to iron baby clothes. No way. No how. However, a few pair of her shorts have little cuffs that get all wack-jawed in the wash. So I clamp them into place with my flat iron while I'm doing my hair in the morning. I told this to the sitter. Now she flat irons her kids shorts and the little lettuce edges on tanks that roll. I told my fun group of teacher friends. Now they flatten out that funky collar or pant cuff in the bathroom in the morning.
Sweet. I'm the idol of the lazy.
Happy Mother's Day!!! Your first one with bean out of the beanpod. YEAH!