I really shouldn't. I've been ask, told, and even reasoned with not to share, but I think it is really freggin' funny.
A couple of days ago, Claire got to the babysitter's house and immediately peed so much she peed through the diaper. No, it didn't leak. It was actually the water-resistant fibers bursting at the seems. She has done this on a few occasions, but she usually saves it for the slide so we get to clean urine off her slide too.
DAY 1 of Pee Pants:
The sitter put her in a clean pair of shorts and tied up the pee-pants in a walmart sack and let me know I needed to bring a fresh emergency outfit for the next day. She left the pee-pants on the dryer and I didn't see them, therefore didn't get them.
DAY 2 of Pee Pants:
When I drop Claire off, the pee-pants bag is waiting in the hallway. I don't want to leave the pee-pants in her entry hall all day, so I take them with me. In the parking lot at school, I decide it is not a good idea to leave the pee-pants in the car on an 80+ degree day or else I will likely have pee-car. So I grab the walmart sack in my load of stuff and truck into the school.
As I walk into school, I very habitually stop by the kitchen and put my lunch (in a walmart sack) in the communal fridge. After a couple of hours, I notice my lunch on my table and think, "I thought I put that in the fridge?" Oh, you know where this is going. I walk down and put my lunch in the fridge to find the pee-pants. Good lord. I remove them discretely and take the now chilled pants to my room and place them next to my purse so as not to forget them.
Of course, I forgot them.
DAY 3 of Pee-Pants:
They hang out in my classroom yet another day and I remember to bring them home. However, I have left them in my car for several hours having forgotten about them. I have already done baby laundry for the night ---- sans pee-pants.
I see this day ending with a SECOND load of laundry consisting only of a single pair of baby pants. Either that, or I will forget them.