Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Star Telegram Saved me $200 today!

Beanie's allergies are acting up. I don't know what is going to happen first - I'm going to drive her crazy, or she is going to drive me crazy.

It has been a fun weekend none the less. I got my hair cut (nothing new) and we hung out at the house Saturday watching the rain and playing with Beanie. Toward the end of the day, Brad went upstairs to take a bath. Men aren't *supposed* to take baths, but he regularly soaks his sore muscles. He's not painting his nails, waxing his chest, or looking for men on Craigslist, so I think it is perfeclty manly for him to enjoy our big garden tub.
I went up this morning to clean the tub and couldn't:

"I (heart) Beanie & Mommy & MoMo & Batman" written in bubble letters using Claire's bath crayons. It was so cute and so hilarious, I had to leave the bathtub cleaning for another day.

After Claire woke from that nap, she and I went to Target to get Brad's migraine medicine. Brad lost his insurance coverage at the begining of the month and we were worried about how to pay for this medicine. Brad looked into a program at CareNow which for $20 a month, you get discounted CareNow services including a discount drug program. Sure, it isn't insurance, but it is better than nothing. While he was investigating the possible savings, I walked in and recognized the website. Thinking I'd been there before I checked the Fort Worth Star-Telegrams subscriber reward's program, PressPass, and there it was! We already got a drug discount for subscribing to the paper (a luxury for us).

Excited, I went to Target to pick up Brad's meds. They had originally rung up his 9 pills off-insurance and our price was $217. Ouch. I gave them the discount card, they re-rang it, and the new total was only $36. Score! This is only a few bucks more than when we were paying with insurance.

Additionally, I used the Target ad and a few coupons to get the following items for only $4.31.

5 Kashi Cereal - $2.88/bx (reg price $4.39)

used 5 $1.50 Honey Sunshine coupons (from VocalPoint)

got $5 Target card for buying 5 Kashi products

2 Goldfish Crackers - $1.88/bag

used 1 $1/2 peelie

1 Johnson's Buddy Bar - $.99

used $1/1 from 8/13 coupon inserts

I'm really excited about the Kashi cereal. It is full of fiber, low sugar, and Brad and Claire love it.

Now I need to keep Napless the Wonder Child happy until bedtime.

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