Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Spoons: A reflection

Mother's Day has me all reflective.  I would like to share a short story from several years ago.  I always think about it around this time of year.

I was building catapults with my GT kids and needed more plastic spoons.  Specifically the heavy duty ones that can withstand a rapid fire propulsion of marshmallows.  I started at Dollar Tree, but being regularly questionably stocked I wasn't surprised when they were out.  Then I stopped at Walgreens, but they were out too.  Ugh.  I had to trek to Walmart for stupid spoons.

I was pissed.  It was a Saturday afternoon in May.  The store was crowded.  I hate Walmart in the afternoon.  I get to the paper good section to find.....not a goddamn spoon in the place.  What the hell!  Next to me are two women and I unintentionally start this conversation.

Me: (exasperated) Why are there no spoons!?!?!?!?!  Where are they!?
Lady #1: (like, duh) It is Mother's Day weekend.
Me: (very snark-castic) Of course!  How thoughtless of me.  I didn't think to get my mom any Mother's Day spoons.
Lady #1: (walks away)
Lady #2: Mother's Day barbecues Sweetie.

So I ask you, did you get your mom her Mother's Day spoons?