I have my arms in the air for you Alida (see her post here: Let's Be Besties). It reminded me of my fragmented filter on a field trip to the science museum this year with 5th graders.
While [very impatiently] waiting for the khaki-wearing door nazis to let our group in, one mom chaperone yells at the girls who a jumping on those posts designed to keep you from driving into the museum. She says, "Girls! Stay off the pole!!" I walk over and say, "Good job. I say my main goal in teaching is keeping the girls off the pole, too." She looks at me aghast, smiles politely, and walks away.
Just a few hours later while filing into the Omni showing of "Butterflies" I politely decline my teacher seat because I'm terrified of butterflies (and 20 ft butterflies make me vomit in my mouth a little). This starts a little conversion between me and some parent chaperones.
Moms: You are afraid of butterflies?
Me: Yes, terrified.
Moms: Just butterflies?
Me: No, I hate birds too. Anything with wings really - birds, butterflies, flying insects, heck, I won't even use pads with wings.
Moms: (confused) pads? What?
Me: You know, maxi pads? (blushing now because I'm having to explain this)
Moms: Oh....(little titter)...goodness, I think the show is starting (obviously NOT starting)
I then spent the next 72 hours waiting for the principal to call me into his office where I would have to present a forged document with my Tourette's Syndrome documentation and threaten to call the ADA offices. It didn't come to fruition until the final day of school when "Keep'em Off the Pole" mom saw me at the final party. She says to me, "I can't stop thinking about what you said at the museum that day. I still laugh every time I think about it. You are hilarious --- and now you seem so real. I want you to know I'm going to request you for my 3rd grade daughter when she gets into 5th. Someone has to keep her off the pole."
Moral: Sometimes people don't throw their hands up, jump with you, and become soul mates right away. Sometimes they need time to process just how awesome you are.
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