Friday, June 19, 2009

Jedi Baby and Spray Cheese

Bean does not stay still. Never has. The sonogram technician last summer commented on how active she was. You could watch my belly and see her trying to come out "Alien" style. From the moment she wakes up to the moment she is asleep she is groovin'. I don't know how other people take their babies places in the strollers. More than 5 or 10 minutes and Bean comes unglued. Sometimes I can get 15 minutes if we are moving at a fast clip.
So given this bit of information, it is quite hard to get her to eat. She has to sit, in a confining chair, with a BIB, for 15-20 minutes with nothing to grab at except anything within a 2 foot radius. To entertain herself, she rips at her bib getting food on her bib, clothes, and everywhere in between. It is a mess.
Last weekend I ran out of clean bibs, so I threw a dish towel around her neck and secured it with a clothes pin. It was awesome! It caught way more crumbs, covered more surface area, and surprisingly, didn't make Bean want to rip at it. I thoroughly recommend it. Plus, I think it is cute that she looks like a little baby Jedi. Hehe.

Today, while wrapped in her dish towel, she was enjoying a lunch of spaghetti (Gerber jar - yuck) and wanted to finish her meal with some Ritz crackers. Additionally, I whipped out the spray cheese and was putting a little puff on each bit of cracker before she ingested it. It is bad enough she likes spray cheese (gives me the heebie-jeebies) but she started looking at the can, opening her mouth like a baby bird, and doing her Butthead laugh (she huh, huh, huh-huh's like Butthead from Bevis and Butthead when she wants something to eat). Shooting caution to the wind, I sprayed the cheese directly into her mouth. She was overjoyed. It is wrong on so many levels.

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